If you thought that the truck driver was a poor man by world standards, think again. Because this unusual list will surely make you sit up, notice and make you seriously think about having such a job!
1.Air Traffic Controller: We are not referring to the ATC tower, of course! We mean the people sitting inside the glass dome sitting over a high pole and share every message between the airplane and the controller. Their job is a very busy one and they get paid well over 0,000!
2.Restaurant Manager: If you own the business, you probably earn a hell lot more but here we are talking about the people who have been hired. These people are highly paid and have a relatively easy job that that of the ATCs. They are responsible for the up keeping and everything needed to run a restaurant. The next time you dine at the restaurant, be jealous of him!
3.Pressman: These people are responsible for the printing to actually happen. Seemingly a menial job, this job requires a lot of skill and great technical expertise. They also get handsomely paid after some years of experience.
4.Court Reporter: If you can type blazingly easy and have an agile mind, this place belongs to you. Welcome to the unconventional job that a court reporter has. Skilled reporters sometimes earn more than a restaurant manager!
5.Mine Manager: Do not think twice if the underground mines and darkness fascinates you! You may be one for the mines. So what it is a hazardous job? The manager takes home a fat pay packet every year!
6.Coach: Move over coaching the school team or the neighborhood basket ball team. It is time to turn into a pro. As we all know that the managers of the top football teams in the world get paid more than we can even think of. Plus, the benefits they get are immense. One word: It is a risky job and if you're not performing, you're fired immediately.
7.Sales: Invariably the sales people figure in every list that has been made! There are no limits to the earnings of a sales person and can even earn a million dollars, if they want - if they have the zeal to excel under any condition.
8.Tech Writer: Eat, dream and live gadgets? Then this exciting position is for you! What's more, they are highly paid too!
9.School Principal: Bad news for those who hated the 'weird' faced tormenting guy at school whom they called their principal! The guy is a clever one after all and maybe earns more than your dad does!
10.Truck Driver: Never in your dreams would you have ever thought that truck drivers earn that much! Not all of them do, but most of them do - at least Forbes says so!
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Silas Reed, Writer for 100KCrossing writes articles that inform and teach about different 100K job profiles. Please visit http://www.100Kcrossing.com/lcjobtypelisting.php for a list of some of the many jobs we offer in the 100K profession.
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