Friday, January 25, 2013

Consequences of Unethical Behavior


The happiest people I know, LOVE what they do. Not that their work is their life-- although it's a significant, meaningful, and rewarding component. Moreover, and perhaps even more importantly, they are PROUD of what they do. They may not have an easy work schedule, or even make a lot of money, but they're fundamentally satisfied. Their profession, occupation, business, etc, is fulfilling and contributes to society.

Perhaps you've never been involved in a job that has an element of deception, or unfair treatment of stakeholders or is, on some level, dishonest. Congratulations. However, many jobs, perhaps even a significantly increasing number, have some unsavory, unethical, or downright dishonest, component. Many employees and businesspeople rationalize their behavior. They say: "that's business," or "gotta make a living..." or "everybody's doing it."

Consequences of Unethical Behavior

I've heard people comment: "Yes, I know the company's unethical, but I just try to do the best job I can, in my area of responsibility." My response is: "Even if you're the best messenger for the Mafia, you're still a part of organized crime!"


Working for an unethical, deceptive, unfair, or dishonest employer, or in a capacity that requires you to make unethical or compromised decisions may take it's toll on your physical, mental, and/or emotional health. As we know, there are consequences for our actions. In business you may not do something against the law, and you will probably not go to jail. However, escaping consequences on a technical or legal basis does not mean you're "home free." So if you feel uneasy, "dirty," or less than "proud," about your workplace activities, your employer's expectations, values, ethics, or behavior, you are in danger of personal health problems. Few people can act contrary to their values, or be a part of an organization that expects, encourages, or facilitates such actions, with impunity. They will suffer consequences, and perhaps not "connect the dots," to fully understand the origin of their unhappiness or illness.

Consequences of Unethical Behavior
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Ben A. Carlsen, Ed.D, MBA, is an experienced leader and educator with over 30 years experience in management, consulting, and teaching. Dr. Carlsen is a management consultant, and business writer in the Miami, Florida area.
Carlsen was Chairman of the Los Angeles County Productivity Managers Network, Chair of the Marketing Managers Association, and President of the Association for Systems Management (So. California Chapter). For more info visit:

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