Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's The New GM DEXOS Motor Oil All About?

Modern engines are becoming ever harder on the oil that lubricates them. As engines and oil sumps have gotten smaller reducing the volume of oil the engine holds, performance enhancing additions like turbo changing have become common.

Throw in government mandates for constantly improving fuel economy and pollution control, and you have constantly increasing demands placed on motor oil.

Between advancing new technologies, and ever increasing performance mandates, the oil formulation industry has been continuously changing... As it must!

What's The New GM DEXOS Motor Oil All About?

API (American Petroleum Institute) has represented the interests of all the oil manufactures and first created oil classification groups in 1947.

Since the "S" and "C" categories were introduced about 1970, API has worked closely with both ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and SAE (Society of Automotive engineers) to stay on top of development of engine oils that meet the needs of changing performance demands.

In 1987 though, the AAM (Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers) told the API they were not happy with the way API went about approving new motor oils. AAM created a new committee called ILSAC (International Lubricants standardization and Approval Committee)

ILSAC is made up of nine OEM's from both North America and Europe and the latest ILSAC standard is called GF-5, an improvement of the former GF-4 mainly aimed at improving motor oil fuel economy benefits and oil robustness and protecting complicated new emissions systems.

As of this writing the API's most recent categories are "SN" and "SN resource conserving" which apply to gasoline powered passenger cars and light trucks.
API "SN" introduced October 1st, 2010 matches ILSAC GF-5 fairly closely.

In 2010 though General Motors introduced its own motor oil specification through the Dexos 1 oil licensing program and consumers driving model year 2011 and newer GM vehicles will have to use a motor oil recommended for Dexos 1 applications.

Dexos 1 has performance features that exceed those requirements of API SN/ ILSAC GF-5 in some areas and are less strict in others.

Dexos 1 requires performance to be enhanced over what API SN/ ILSAC GF-5 requires in the following areas; engine sludge protection, volatility, piston cleanliness, turbo charger protection, resistance to oxidative thickening, wear protection, seal compatibility, and corrosion protection.

Dexos 1 requirements for emissions systems durability, fuel economy and E-85 emulsion retention (use with gasoline containing alcohol) are somewhat less than what API SN/ ILSAC GF-5 require.

The Dexos 1 licensing program requires motor oil manufactures to pay a licensing fee to General Motors to use the Dexos1 approved logo; essentially making the sale and use of Dexos 1 motor oils a profit center for GM and increasing the cost of the oil.

Early on the concept GM had for the Dexos 1 licensing program required motor oil manufactures and end-sellers alike to pay a per-quart fee to GM for every bottle of GM Dexos approved oil sold.

In actual implementation though I believe this has changed to a flat fee per year for manufacturers and end-sellers. Since I'm not privy to GM's decisions and because the Dexos 1 licensing program is still evolving and has changed more than once since its inception only GM and the manufacturers/ end-sellers who have entered the program know the actual fee's that add to the retail price of Dexos 1 motor oil.

While a quite a few motor oil manufactures have started making oil that meets the Dexos 1 specification, at the time of this writing any number of motor oil manufacturers including Valvoline and Amsoil have balked at paying this fee saying it does nothing for the consumer but drive up the cost of the oil and are refusing to join GM's program.

The reality for the consumer is that as long as the motor oil you choose says that it is formulated for the Dexos 1 spec you are covered even if the manufacturer has not purchased the right to use the Dexos 1 approved symbol (paid GM's licensing fee)

Dan Peterson, Amsoil Inc Vice President of Technical Development stated in a recent interview that while each of the specifications outperforms the other in some certain areas that Amsoil has formulated its full synthetic motor oils to exceed the requirements of API SN, ILSAC GF-5 and GM Dexos 1 in all areas.

Currently Amsoil OE and XL, 5W/30 full synthetic motor oils meet and exceed Dexos 1 requirements and Amsoil plans other such products for 2011.

Amsoil Inc. introduced the first full synthetic motor oil to meet American Petroleum Institute requirements in 1972. Today Amsoil is considered the world leader in synthetic motor oils and lubricants.

By Larry Crider

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Consequences of Unethical Behavior


The happiest people I know, LOVE what they do. Not that their work is their life-- although it's a significant, meaningful, and rewarding component. Moreover, and perhaps even more importantly, they are PROUD of what they do. They may not have an easy work schedule, or even make a lot of money, but they're fundamentally satisfied. Their profession, occupation, business, etc, is fulfilling and contributes to society.

Perhaps you've never been involved in a job that has an element of deception, or unfair treatment of stakeholders or is, on some level, dishonest. Congratulations. However, many jobs, perhaps even a significantly increasing number, have some unsavory, unethical, or downright dishonest, component. Many employees and businesspeople rationalize their behavior. They say: "that's business," or "gotta make a living..." or "everybody's doing it."

Consequences of Unethical Behavior

I've heard people comment: "Yes, I know the company's unethical, but I just try to do the best job I can, in my area of responsibility." My response is: "Even if you're the best messenger for the Mafia, you're still a part of organized crime!"


Working for an unethical, deceptive, unfair, or dishonest employer, or in a capacity that requires you to make unethical or compromised decisions may take it's toll on your physical, mental, and/or emotional health. As we know, there are consequences for our actions. In business you may not do something against the law, and you will probably not go to jail. However, escaping consequences on a technical or legal basis does not mean you're "home free." So if you feel uneasy, "dirty," or less than "proud," about your workplace activities, your employer's expectations, values, ethics, or behavior, you are in danger of personal health problems. Few people can act contrary to their values, or be a part of an organization that expects, encourages, or facilitates such actions, with impunity. They will suffer consequences, and perhaps not "connect the dots," to fully understand the origin of their unhappiness or illness.

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Ben A. Carlsen, Ed.D, MBA, is an experienced leader and educator with over 30 years experience in management, consulting, and teaching. Dr. Carlsen is a management consultant, and business writer in the Miami, Florida area.
Carlsen was Chairman of the Los Angeles County Productivity Managers Network, Chair of the Marketing Managers Association, and President of the Association for Systems Management (So. California Chapter). For more info visit: http://drben.info

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Writing An Academic Paper - 12 Easy Steps To Success

Writing an academic paper remains a difficult, trying, and intimidating task for many students. This is unfortunate because much of the course subjects a student will take while in a university requires paper writing as an academic exercise. In the same manner, expressing one's self well in writing is frequently a critical ability in the professional community. Although eloquence and knowledge in composition are prized skills in any industry, writing an academic paper demands even more expertise. With academic writing, one need not only develop the ability to express one's self in words, but also the ability to conduct research from a continuously widening range of sources in order to select and decide which among the relevant morsels of data are actually the most relevant. The writer must be able to properly provide his/her own observations, discussions, and conclusions. Nonetheless, academic writing does not simply constitute the expression of a person's own opinions alone, but more importantly, it likewise calls for the expression of facts already established by others juxtaposed with one's logical opinions and conclusions based on the research.

Why does writing an academic paper fill many students with dread? My observation following my exposure to the most common (and even the most uncommon) problems in the course of my work where I review thousands of papers is quite simple. The fear stems from not knowing much about the technical aspects of writing a paper. There are no clear-cut rules or, in a manner of speaking, no black and white method to guide scholars on how to compose an effective academic paper.

There are multitudes of references on formatting bibliographic entries, using search engines, creating outlines, and using word processors, among other things. However, in most likelihood, one cannot find a correct, concise, and simple description of the modern method of research, which includes building a paper from scratch and into its varied stages of composition, and scaling efforts to the needs of the assignment. I have searched and have not found any material focused on this subject, presenting me with the realization that such literature is greatly needed by aspiring (and even seasoned) academicians. With this article I have written, I aim to address this deficiency by presenting you a supplemental tool to writing academic papers, arranged in easy and numbered steps, beginning with Step 1 and continuing through to Step 12.

Writing An Academic Paper - 12 Easy Steps To Success

STEP 1. Begin early.

If you are currently busy and thinking there will be more time later, you might do better to think again. The future may only seem in order because it is yet to arrive. When it does, it will be as chaotic as the current situation is. So how do you end up being late? It all happens a day at a time. It is impossible to know when you will have a clear chunk of time later, so proceed to the next step as soon as a paper is assigned. Not doing so immediately lands authors, and yourself, on the road to being late-and it all happens a little as each day passes.

STEP 2. Create a budget of pages.

Let us assume that the assignment is a descriptive essay or, alternatively, a common "compare/contrast" paper. For matters of example, let us take the latter:

Compare and contrast the roles played by Freedom Park and Liberation Field in immigrants' lives in America in the 1800s.(Please note that Freedom Park and Liberation Field are fictitious places and are only used as examples in our white paper.)

Let us say that the paper is intended to be around 2500 words (about six pages) in length when it has a margin of 1" all around and single-spaced. Let us further suppose that the paper will not have a cover page. We also have to remember that the bibliography is never included in the page count.

The page budget for the paper also serves as the outline of your paper. You would have to decide what the elements of the paper would be, and the allocation of the necessary number of words/pages for each element. In the sample assignment, the logical page budget is established as follows:

1/2 page Opening statement. What is the paper all about? What are the subjects that will be presented? What are the paper's objectives?

One page Facts about Freedom Park. Where is it located? When was it built? Who uses it? Are there noteworthy events that it has hosted?

One page Facts about Liberation Field. Where is it located? When was it built? Who uses it? Are there noteworthy events that it has hosted?

One page Immigration to New York, in general. What immigrant groups arrived during the time period specified? Are there interesting and relevant facts that may be cited for each group?

Two pages The meat of the paper; addressing the topic. What are the similarities and/or differences between the immigrant groups concerned, their respective involvement in their field/park, and the reason for their involvement?

1/2 page Summary and conclusion. How was the topic explored? What was determined / proven?

Page outlines provide authors with an overview of the appropriate coverage of each element of the paper. Without this outline, it is very easy to write excessively about issues you are already greatly familiar with, and much easier to write too little of issues you are not very familiar with. Moreover, you may not be able to address all issues involved. With a page outline, you can focus on addressing all issues within the corresponding amount of space coverage. More often than not, we find that with page outlines, we tend to edit down (lessen page coverage) than drag word count up with redundancies and/or generalizations. This is always a far much better position to have as an author.

Some professors specify page limits, while others do not. Thus, it is of extreme importance that you be able to plan your paper properly with the aid of a page outline. Writing is not about simply setting down on ink what comes to your mind, and then extending the words/phrases to meet page length limits. More than anything, it involves careful development of the proposed research statement or position on any given issue.

STEP 3. Gather resource materials.

Begin the paper with the assigned text if such is supplied. Academic textbooks usually contain bibliographies and/or footnote citations in reference to other books/articles. Hard copy publications remain excellent sources as the first set of resource materials to look for. When there is no assigned textbook relating to the assignment, you can begin with a search in an online library and with a subject search. The bibliographies and citations in this first batch of sources, if researched correctly, guarantee that much of the task will already be accomplished.

Next, build a list of the resources the first source of references point to. If the research task is small (less than 25 pages output, less than 15 sources), then a handwritten/typewritten breakdown is normally sufficient. However, if the research effort is greater (not too many undergraduate papers are, or will ever be), putting together the list in a spreadsheet and/or a Word document should be considered. Larger lists need search capabilities of the journal sources/references for better tracking of the subjects in each journal against subjects that cannot be found.

After locating the references/resources, prepare them for mark-up (always remember to do this only to photocopied/printed out copies and not to the original documents):

o For journals, always remember to photocopy journal covers and content tables because these pages usually contain the citation information for the articles that will be used.

o For Internet sources, print out the article/source and ensure that the URL (Web address of the source) is printed.

o Treat journal sources as you would your book sources.

Always remember that sources with their own bibliographies are the best references. As such, journals remain the most credible academic sources as opposed to ordinary publications like magazines. Unless your source is an acknowledged staple (or unless the paper's subject is historical) in your field of study, try to find the most recent references as they more often prove to be more credible than earlier literature; this is especially true in the areas of science/technology.

STEP 4. Make a first reading of gathered resource materials.

A first reading is a quick browse through your references. You would need a general concept of the subject matter at hand to help form your own ideas regarding the topic. Mark the references that appear important and/or related to the concepts and/or facts of the task. Do not hope to gain in-depth knowledge at this time, but try to form a specific judgment regarding the references.

First readings should be conducted even while the resources are still being gathered. This saves much time. Always have some journals available for a quick read at any given time; this may be between classes, while in a bus, on a train ride, during lunch, and practically anywhere else. Always remember where you left off reading so no time is wasted when the material is picked up again.

At this stage of research writing, you will find seemingly essential materials/information that may prove worthless in the end. Cull liberally. It is best to differentiate the mash from the real grain at this point. Once the first read is done, ensure that the selected references are properly marked within one's source sheet.

STEP 5. Draft a research statement.

After the first read, one should be ready to draft a research statement, which will be the core of the research paper. It is a simple statement with specific points that will form the coverage of the paper. Ideally, it is a paragraph composed of three to four sentences. Using our sample, the suggested research statement reads as follows:

The Irish were among the first big immigrant groups to land in New York. Through the years, these groups also came: the Swedes, the Germans, the Italians, the eastern Europeans, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Koreans, and more. The first generation of settlers often brought with them games that they played in their places of origin, but their second generations chose to adopt "American" sports, particularly baseball. Immigrant groups with access to venues such as Freedom Park and Liberation Field are most likely to develop skills needed to become sports professionals.

STEP 6. Read the selected references a second time around.

After having formed the research statement, one should read each of the selected sources a second time and in a more in-depth fashion, specifically searching for quotable passages that can support the research statement. Ensure that each potential quotable passage is marked for convenient reference, and that each of the reference sources is properly marked once the second reading is done for them.

STEP 7. Create the "backbone" of the document with a word processor.

First, set up the margins to 1" on all sides (or to what is specified by the professor/publisher). Next, create a header including page numbers, and footers with file name and path. Form a first page with name and title lines, and insert a page break to create a second page. Finally, label the second page as the "Bibliography." Note that there are no entries to be typed into the Bibliography at this stage, but citations will be added as quotes/references are typed in while the paper is written. Therefore, the paper now has pages: a start page with paper title, plus a blank Bibliography page.

Two points to keep in mind:

The bibliography documents whole books/articles.

Notes (these may be footnotes at the bottom of each page, or endnotes at the end of the research) link quoted phrases/sentences/concepts in the paper to a specific page in the bibliography.

Footnotes may be made in an MS Word document from the menu bar: Insert > Reference > Footnote

STEP 8. Type in the marked quotations, ensuring each has a comment regarding its relation to the research statement.

At this point in the paper, only typing is required. Transfer/type in all quotes that have been marked in the sources into the Bibliography page. Ensure that each entry is indented half an inch from the margin, and the entries are listed in alphabetical order. As each entry is typed in, form the citation footnote for the entry. These footnotes should be page specific to the reference being cited. Using this method, a credible citation list is created with minimized ambiguity, addressing imprecise citations that may be suspect.

As this step is largely mechanical, it may be started, paused, and re-initiated. With this stage, two significant aspects of the paper are remembered: the bulk of the paper is built with academically sound content and it completes the bibliography as well.

Once this step is completed, roughly 80% of the paper is also completed, given that proper care and attention have been placed in selecting the passages that are typed in.

STEP 9. Develop the thoughts of the content, ensuring each is supported by quotes.

Insert several blanks at the beginning of the paper before the first quote that will be used, and begin the draft of the paper's content. Note that this starting point will ultimately fall into the middle part of the paper, but writing begins here because it is the most significant content of the paper.

Next, introduce another point, and then cut and paste quotations from the list completed in Step 8. Explore (by adding supporting sentences), support (by citing/quoting the author/s of the reference), or simply elaborate on the idea. Following this, cite two or more powerful quotations from the completed list in Step 8, citing different sources, and finally restating and summing up the idea with one's original thoughts on the matter.

This pattern of writing should be followed until all the concepts of the core statement are addressed.

A nearly finished paper will emerge from this step.

STEP 10. Write the Introduction and Conclusion of the research paper.

In the example used, the Introduction would discuss details about Freedom Park and Liberation Field. This section does not form the heart of the paper, but ensure that quotes are still used to anchor the content to facts from the resources.

Make the conclusion concise and succinct. Re-state the major concepts explored by the paper, highlighting what has been "proven" using quotes and facts derived from the paper's main body (constructed in Step 8). Avoid redundancy in terms of word use and sentence structure, a common mistake committed by less experienced authors worried about word count. Trust that a careful execution of Step 8 guarantees that word count limits are met for the paper.

STEP 11. Write the Abstract of the research paper.

It may seem strange that writing the Abstract of the paper is reserved toward the final stages of drafting a paper, but this is the best time to introduce what is going to be discussed in the paper - after the actual paper has already been actually written.

At this step, there is clarity in purpose to present what has already been presented (once due consideration has been given to the content that has been drafted).

STEP 12. Have the paper go through a final English review by a professional editor.

This step presents the final opportunity to find any spelling, grammar, or comprehension lapses in the paper that has just been drafted.

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Kenneth Joe Galloway is the Regional Director of Knowledge/Growth Support, a leading English language solutions provider that offers superior round-the clock services and support to academics, professionals, and businesses, at the most reasonable costs. For more information about Knowledge/Growth Support and a link to more useful articles, go to http://www.kgsupport.com

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Productivity and Productivity Analysis

Productivity analysis refers to the process of differentiating the actual data over the estimated data of output and input measurement and presentation.

In economics, productivity is the ratio of the output production per unit of input. It may also refer to the technical efficiency of production relative to the allocation of resources of enterprises.

If the goal is to increase productivity, enterprises must produce more with the same level of input. The goal can also be done by maintaining the same level of output using fewer inputs. The drive to increase productivity can be caused by various factors, but perhaps the most apparent is the aspiration of an enterprise to increase profitability.

Productivity and Productivity Analysis

There are certain factors affecting the productivity of entities. General categories of the factors concerning productivity include the labor force, product, quality, process, capacity, and external influences. Resources are also important to consider in assessment of productivity of an entity.

Measuring the production level of an entity may take certain processes that include data acquisition, data summary, and comparison. In obtaining data, documenting the activities of an entity helps in creating tangible reports of certain group transactions. Documents and files can be extremely valuable, particularly during the performance evaluation.

Productivity analysis may be seen as an evaluative activity of the performance of an entity. The purpose of it being employed is to provide the appropriate solution to a problem that hinders the attainment of production goals in the present and future of the company. The findings from productivity analysis being undertaken are indeed of great help in providing an entity the necessary changes to be implemented for the realization of its production goals.

How can productivity analysis be executed?

The process of productivity analysis involves conducting detailed comparisons on production reports and the checking of each source used in the creation of the report. In other words, the process does not only occur from distinguishing the items found on the report, but also determining the data and documents which are relative to the items and elements of production report.

Budgeted and actual time sheets, materials requisition forms, purchase orders, and material withdrawal slips are some of the documents that may have certain values in productivity analysis.

Reports may not be adequate in the provision of findings and recommendations in analysing the productivity of an entity. Random examination of the workplace can also be undertaken as part of the analytic process.

How important is productivity analysis?

An entity that is aiming for increased profitability should focus on the improvement of the aspect of productivity. Productivity analysis can be an important tool to employ to determine the things that need changes or improvement.

Who executes the productivity analysis?

Productivity analysis may be a part of performance evaluation exercise of an entity. It may be conducted after the production report is made and finalized. This activity may be undertaken by someone from the management level or an expert production analyst.

A third party analyst may also be hired to conduct productivity analysis. Expert analysts independent from the entity could provide professional findings and effective recommendations using the proven formula.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Top 10 Unusual Jobs That Pay 100K and More!

If you thought that the truck driver was a poor man by world standards, think again. Because this unusual list will surely make you sit up, notice and make you seriously think about having such a job!

1.Air Traffic Controller: We are not referring to the ATC tower, of course! We mean the people sitting inside the glass dome sitting over a high pole and share every message between the airplane and the controller. Their job is a very busy one and they get paid well over 0,000!

2.Restaurant Manager: If you own the business, you probably earn a hell lot more but here we are talking about the people who have been hired. These people are highly paid and have a relatively easy job that that of the ATCs. They are responsible for the up keeping and everything needed to run a restaurant. The next time you dine at the restaurant, be jealous of him!

Top 10 Unusual Jobs That Pay 100K and More!

3.Pressman: These people are responsible for the printing to actually happen. Seemingly a menial job, this job requires a lot of skill and great technical expertise. They also get handsomely paid after some years of experience.

4.Court Reporter: If you can type blazingly easy and have an agile mind, this place belongs to you. Welcome to the unconventional job that a court reporter has. Skilled reporters sometimes earn more than a restaurant manager!

5.Mine Manager: Do not think twice if the underground mines and darkness fascinates you! You may be one for the mines. So what it is a hazardous job? The manager takes home a fat pay packet every year!

6.Coach: Move over coaching the school team or the neighborhood basket ball team. It is time to turn into a pro. As we all know that the managers of the top football teams in the world get paid more than we can even think of. Plus, the benefits they get are immense. One word: It is a risky job and if you're not performing, you're fired immediately.

7.Sales: Invariably the sales people figure in every list that has been made! There are no limits to the earnings of a sales person and can even earn a million dollars, if they want - if they have the zeal to excel under any condition.

8.Tech Writer: Eat, dream and live gadgets? Then this exciting position is for you! What's more, they are highly paid too!

9.School Principal: Bad news for those who hated the 'weird' faced tormenting guy at school whom they called their principal! The guy is a clever one after all and maybe earns more than your dad does!

10.Truck Driver: Never in your dreams would you have ever thought that truck drivers earn that much! Not all of them do, but most of them do - at least Forbes says so!

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Silas Reed, Writer for 100KCrossing writes articles that inform and teach about different 100K job profiles. Please visit http://www.100Kcrossing.com/lcjobtypelisting.php for a list of some of the many jobs we offer in the 100K profession.

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Job Skills - 7 Essential Skills That Are Required For Any Job

In this highly competitive economy, employers are looking for workers who can do more than just fill a vacancy - they are looking for people who can help them grow. While any job has a specific skill set associated with it, companies want workers with "evergreen" job skills that are always useful in changing times.

If you want to find a job that will let you grow professionally, you'll want to make sure that you have skills that will help your company grow right along with you. These skills will make you a highly sought-after candidate in any field, and will help you to keep the job you get:

1. Research skills

Job Skills - 7 Essential Skills That Are Required For Any Job

Nobody has all the information they'll ever need in their head (or on their desk) already, but if you know how to do research, you'll always be able to find the information in a timely manner.

2. Logic and reason

Every company runs into problems, and those problems need to be solved. A firm grasp of logic and reason will make you an invaluable asset.

3. Technological literacy

Computers have taken over the workplace, and every worker needs to have at least a basic level of skill and comfort with modern technology, just to be able to function.

You don't need to have a degree or special training in computers or information technology, but you'll be expected to have a basic level of ability to work with computers.

4. Communication skills

Every job will require you to communicate with other people, in speaking and often in writing as well. Employers are interested in workers who can express themselves clearly in their dealings with supervisors, underlings and co-workers.

5. Organization

A messy desk may be acceptable (though it is never recommended), but a messy approach to your work is never something an employer is looking for. You'll probably have to do a lot of different tasks, each with a different schedule and deadline, and being able to organize your work is crucial.

6. Interpersonal skills

Every workplace has people in it, and those people often have different personalities and temperaments. Being able to work well with others, and communicate across barriers of culture and personality is necessary.

7. Career-minded orientation

If you don't know where you're headed, neither does your company. Having a plan for your own career will make your employer more willing to help you achieve your goals since they will benefit from your growth.

These skills aren't the only ones that you'll need for your specific job, but they are skills that will make you an asset to any employer, and serve you well in any position that you'll find yourself in.

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John Glover has been helping people to find jobs for many years. On his website [http://blog.freejobhuntingtips.com] he is offering tips on how to find and keep that perfect job. If you want to go from "Fired" to "Hired" by tomorrow then enroll in John's free 10 day job hunting course today at http://www.freejobhuntingtips.com

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